Following an amputation, mobility and accessibility are primary issues.  Attendant care assessments are provided as additional support is often required particularly in the initial post hospitalization period prior to dispensing of a permanent prosthesis.  Liaison with the prosthetist is provided to facilitate funding and functional use of prostheses and to provide analysis on the need for speciality prosthetics for work or recreation.  Physiotherapy addresses balance, community mobility, strength and conditioning, as well as any specific physical needs of the individual.  Our occupational therapists are adept at providing home accessibility assessments to determine the need for home modifications and to facilitate the provision of safety or mobility equipment.  Job demands analyses may be required prior to return to work to implement work modifications or accommodations.  The occupational therapist assists with modifications to existing, or development of new or alternative recreational pursuits.  Should trauma or adjustment present as problems, a referral to social work can be facilitated.