Our highly experienced paediatric therapists are knowledgeable in normal child development as a basis for treatment. We provide treatment for children with specific diagnoses such as learning impairments and autism or rehabilitation for injuries such as concussion, traumatic brain injury, or neurological disorders. Services are typically offered at our clinic. If travel is required additional charges apply.
What to Expect
Paediatric Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy Assessments can include:
- Initial pre-assessment parent consultation
- Review of child’s development and educational history
- Administration of standardized assessments
- Informal/functional assessments
- Clinical analysis of assessment results
- Occupational therapy report with recommendations
- Feedback session
Occupational Therapy
Paediatric occupational therapy assessments include standardized and functional assessment of cognitive, perceptual, sensory, motor, and psychosocial abilities as well as the impact of any impairment on the child’s participation at school, in day-to-day activities, socially, and in recreational activities.
Areas addressed:
- Handwriting difficulties
- Keyboarding skill development
- Fine motor impairments
- Sensory dysfunction
- Emotional regulation
- Anxiety management
- Feeding difficulties
- Body awareness
- Visual perception and visual motor integration
- Bilateral integration
- Attention deficits
- Executive dysfunction
- TBI, including cognitive rehabilitation
Speech Language Pathology
Swanson & Associates speech and language pathologists provide standardized and functional assessment to address a wide range of paediatric speech and language difficulties.
Areas addressed:
- Articulation (ability to say speech sounds)
- Language (verbal or written)
- Expressive (ability to communicate your message)
- Receptive (ability to listen and understand what is being said)
- Reading